Monday, November 6, 2017


1.     The Man on Fire/ The Burning Man: a tired and unhappy old man who is constantly on fire who cannot sleep because of the bright light he emits.
2.     The Inventor: A tiny but smart traveling man in love with inventing a creating the future’s appliances. Bit over confident but that’s what a true inventor is like.
3.     The Inventor’s Assistant (a penguin in a cowl): Weird to most people seeing a penguin as both a partner of an inventor and to be present in the dry forests, he is but still a helping hand.
1.     A burning man who lives in a cave has never felt the happiness of sleep due his light-emitting body.
2.     A traveling inventor finds the burning man in a unhappy mood and attempts to solve the man on fire of his problems through the power of inventing.
3.     After a few experiments that soon failed from burning, melting, and exploding, the inventor creates a blind fold that is fire resistant for the man who is on fire, helping him obtain the true experience of sleep.
 What IF
1.     The Man on Fire’s attemptions do not work? 
2.     The Inventor’s inventions burn up or don’t work? 

3.     The Man on Fire’s eyes also glow?


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